Our Change Identity is in Christ

This past week at WW, the technique was about Change Identity. We will be finding out MORE about our change identity from a Biblical standpoint. Simply put, true, enduring change is a result of being transformed by the renewing of our minds, in Christ, the Word. Real change is brought about through understanding our identity in Christ. He, is our change identity! Romans 12:1-2, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

There is a lot to talk about when it comes to change. We usually think of change as something difficult that we attain through much striving and human effort, but this verse indicates that there is a better way – God’s way – which is accomplished by Him changing the way we think. When that happens, this passage says that you will know God’s will and that it is “pleasing and perfect”. We must commit our bodies to God in this process, which He helps us to do, by His mercy. Doing so is actually worship. One amazing thing about God is that He never asks us to do anything that He doesn’t make provision for us to do. He always helps us to accomplish it, and the things He asks are for our benefit. If we look at the steps in those two verses, we can see a cooperative fellowship that is mutually edifying.

– It all begins with God’s mercies – His compassion toward us – to help us begin the process.

– We present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God. Seems reasonable, since He created them, and redeemed them. They are already His twice over! He’s the one who made them holy and acceptable! We don’t have the ability to do that. It is only by His power.

– In acknowledging that our bodies belong to Him, through what Jesus did, we are worshiping God.

– We refuse to be conformed to the world.

– We renew our minds and are transformed. It’s not explicitly stated here, but mind renewal occurs in response to abiding in the Word. God’s Word changes our minds through His power versus our struggle.

In WW’s dealing of this topic of “change identity”, we are offered a cognitive behavioral change approach, we are told to identify how we view change itself. Do we embrace it or resist it? Do we feel capable or incapable? There is truth in this approach, which simply put is, “change your thoughts, change your behavior”. However, it is lacking the proper foundation of God’s absolute Truth about how we change, and what we are to think. The focus is on us striving, versus resting in Him. We are to abide in His Word, which says, “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 Believing God on this single thing can change everything. If we believe that our answers lie in Him and in His Word, then we will seek there, and apply what it says. We all have the strength we need for change – in Christ!

In the past, change felt like a burden to me – especially in regard to my health, eating and activity. I was weary of fighting, and losing, the same battles over and over again. Matthew 11:28-30, “Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

Jesus did not put qualifiers in that invitation to “come”. It does not matter what has us weary or burdened, the promise Jesus gives us is rest – when we come to Him and take His easy yoke and light burden! If you are tired and burdened all the time in this journey, then you have not fully come to Jesus in the journey. Together, we are going to do just that. When our change is in Christ and through Christ, it can actually be an easy and joyful process!

Man’s way says to focus on the behavior that you want to change; change how you think about it, and eventually, through much effort you can change you. God’s way says to focus on the One who changes everything, abide in His Word, and allow Him to produce a harvest of transformation in your life! Cooperating with God and His plan sounds far preferable to constantly battling our flesh.

Ephesians 4:21-24, “Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.”

Ephesians 3:14-20, “When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.

Colossians 1:6, “This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace.”

True transformation is a work of God in us, by His Spirit and His Word. It happens as we come to Him, trust Him and experience His love. It happens when we receive His word as the seed that it is to bring forth the fruit of change in our lives. Take a look at the promises, just in these two passages, of what results from trusting Christ.

– Your roots grow down into God’s love to keep you strong!

– You experience His love.

– You are made COMPLETE with all the FULLNESS of LIFE and POWER that comes from God!

– His mighty power works in us to accomplish INFINITELY MORE than we might ask or think!

– The Good News bears fruit by changing lives!

There is so much MORE to discuss, but I am going to stop here for today. Here are some questions to ponder, considering just the few passages of Scripture that I have shared.

(1) What does the Word say about change? Who does the changing and how?

(2) Often part of this journey is feeling defeated, helpless and weak, but what does God’s Word say?

(3) What are your thoughts on “change identity” in light of the Word?

(4) Can you think of other Scriptures that apply?

Everyone is going to be at a different place in the knowledge and understanding of the Bible, but the process for abiding in the Word is the same for all of us. We need to be in it daily. Become more and more familiar with it and watch for how it will change you.


I Can’t Stop Thinking About Waffles

One of my favorite, healthy breakfast options is a protein waffle.  I have been using the WW Vanilla Protein Booster, to create delightful low Smart Point, low carb, high protein waffles.  I’m not going to regale you with the history of waffles or drone on about how my Gran made the best waffles when I was a kid, I’m just going to get on with posting this simple recipe.

1 scoop WW Vanilla Protein Booster

1 egg

3-4 Tbsp fat free plain Greek yogurt

1/4 tsp baking powder

The mixture will be thick and sticky.

This will make one large waffle or three small waffles in a Dash mini waffle maker.

This recipe is 2 Smart Points on WW Purple or Blue, 4 on WW Green.

Disclaimer: I work for WW, but this website is not affiliated with WW or Weight Watchers International in any way, shape or form, nor is it endorsed by WW. The opinions are my own and I am not compensated for any purchases of the WW products linked in this post.


Whipped: A Tale of a Magical Coffee Concoction


This morning I tried this whipped coffee that is all the rage on the internet right now – technically called Dalgona coffee. It’s crazy that you can take equal parts of boiling water, instant coffee and Pyure, beat it for two minutes, and get this amazing, fluffy concoction! Dollop it on top of cashew milk or whatever milk you choose, hot or cold, for a delightfully decadent treat. Some people stir it in, others drink it on top like whipped cream. Make it your own by varying the type of milk, temperature of the milk, adding some cocoa and sweetener to your milk, or even flavored extracts or spices like cinnamon.

I made mine by using two tablespoons each of boiling water, Folgers decaf instant coffeeand Pyure. I microwaved the water in a one cup glass Pyrex measuring cup, immediately added the coffee and Pyure, then blended for about two minutes with a hand mixer, using only one beater. Be sure to beat it long enough for it to whip up to a thick, creamy texture. The color will also lighten substantially. For my base, I used 12 ounces of unsweet cashew milk that I blended with 1 tablespoon dark cocoa powder and 1 teaspoon Pyure. I went cold with my milk and dolloped the whipped coffee on top.  I even drizzled a bit of my sugar free chocolate syrup on top. It was fantastic! Only 1 Smart Point on all colors, low carb, THM FP.

Have you tried it yet?  How do you like your Dalgona coffee?

*There are Amazon affiliate links throughout this page.  I make a small commission if you purchase any of the products I have linked.  It does not affect your price, it simply supports this blog.



  • 3 Tbsp THM Baking Blend
  • 1 TBSP yellow cornmeal
  • 1 Tbsp fat free plain Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • Dash of salt
  • 1 egg
  • If you want sweet cornbread, add 1/2 – 1tsp Pyure to taste.

Mix and spread evenly in a 2 cup ramekin or two 1 cup ramekins. Microwave on high for 90 seconds.

You could probably bake it, but I was shooting for quick and easy.

The entire recipe is 2 Points. It makes two very nice sized servings. This recipe is low carb and gluten free too.


Kim’s Miracle Cookie Recipe


I recently completed a 12 week journal challenge, in which I posted my written food journal, in a private Facebook group every day. It was a horrible experience in some ways and fabulous in others. The accountability of it kept me on track during one of the most difficult seasons of my life.

That experience, and what I learned, might be the substance of another post soon, but for today, we are going to focus on the recipe that has been requested repeatedly since people saw it in my journal. I’m not going to ramble on and on, but rather just post the recipe for Kim’s Miracle Cookie(s).

Preheat oven to 350

  • 3 TBSP Trim Healthy Mama Baking Blend*
  • 1 TBSP Hershey’s Special Dark cocoa powder
  • 1 egg
  • 1 TBSP fat free plain Greek yogurt
  • 5 tsp Pyure sweetener
  • ¼ tsp. Vanilla
  • ¼ tsp. Baking powder
  • Pinch of baking soda
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 serving Lily’s or Bake Believe chocolate chips
  • (Optionally, add ½ tsp espresso powder to really up the intensity of the chocolate.)

Spread cookie dough on a parchment lined cookie sheet into about a 5” round cookie, about ½ inch thick, or form 2 or 4 smaller cookies. Bake for 8-12 minutes.

These cookies are low carb, gluten free and very WW Point friendly. The whole recipe is 4 SP, so you can have one giant cookie for 4 Points, two 2 Point cookies or four 1 Point cookies.

All of my baked good recipes use Pyure as the sweetener. I finally just put it on my Amazon autoship. If you decide to do the same, please use my link so I can earn 10 cents, or so, a month to help keep this site going!

*Disclosure: I am not affiliated with Trim Healthy Mama in any way and do not receive any compensation for recommending their products or providing purchase links. I just really like the product. All Amazon links are affiliate links that could result in compensation if you make a purchase. (Thank you if you do!) Your cost is not affected. I have no ties to the manufacturers and my opinions of the products are purely a result of use, not any monetary incentive.

For Trim Healthy Mama Baking Blend, the best source is their store. This link is to the single one pound bag, but they do have a 3-pack that will save you a little money per bag. https://store.trimhealthymama.com/product/gluten-free-baking-blend-16oz-bag/


Sugar Free, Gluten Free, Low Carb, 1 Smart Point, Kim’s Miracle Chocolate Mug Cake

As shown, the cake is 2 points due to the whipped cream a a couple of sugar free chocolate chips.  They are definitely not needed to enjoy this cake though!

I enjoy chocolate cake more than Oprah loves bread! In the past, it has been a DIETside nemesis, but no more! Occasionally I will still indulge in a sugar laden slice of chocolate cake bliss, but as I have improved my sugar free baking skills, those indulgences are far fewer, and frankly, less satisfying.

As I have grown and changed in this weight loss and wellness journey, I have applied skills and food philosophies from many different sources to create my own Foodology, if you will. Part of that Foodology is limiting sugar to special occasions. I spent many years lamenting the fact that I felt like an addict, yet had to interact with my addiction. It turns out I was wrong. Sugar was the driving force behind my constant cravings and compulsions to eat. In a close second was every strong emotion. When the two were combined, it drove my weight to nearly 300 pounds.

I’m not sure which was a more monumental task – mostly eliminating sugar or managing my emotions with something other than food – but for the sake of this post, I will focus on the benefits of mostly eliminating sugar. Honestly, I shuddered at the thought of it and started the journey not really believing that I could ever do it, but it was the best thing I have done for my health and my peace of mind in this journey.

Since chocolate is one of the sugary things I most often craved, I needed to find sugar free, low carb and low point options. I do love Russell Stover sugar free chocolates, but they don’t scratch the itch for baked goods. That is why I developed my own recipe for a chocolate mug cake that is a startling 1 Smart Point, sugar free, low carb and gluten free! Yes, you read that correctly – just 1 Smart Point! I also have a sugar free chocolate sauce recipe that turns that cake into a chocolate lava cake – that is still just 1 Smart Point!  (If you add 2 tablespoons of sauce.)

If you are looking for ways to reduce sugar in your diet and still have amazing chocolate cake, this just might be the recipe that preserves your sanity!

There is one specialty ingredient in this recipe that I’m not sure is available in local stores. It is the Trim Healthy Mama Baking Blend. This product is amazing and I use it for many things. It is gluten free, low carb and low Point. I am including a link to where you can purchase it online. I am NOT an affiliate. I make no profit for referring you to this product. It’s just a really great baking blend and easier to purchase than make your own. https://store.trimhealthymama.com/product/gluten-free-baking-blend-16oz-bag/

This recipe makes two cakes. I cook them in 1 cup ramekins, but mugs will work.

Now, for the recipe:

1 egg

¼ cup Trim Healthy Mama Baking Blend

5 tsp. Pyure

2 Tbsp. Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa Powder

¼ cup non-fat, plain, Greek yogurt

1 tsp vanilla

¼ tsp baking powder

1 tsp espresso powder (optional)

pinch of pink salt or sea salt

Optional: Mix in some sugar free chocolate chips like Lily’s or Bake Believe

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl. The batter will be thick, more like brownie batter. Spray two mugs or ramekins with non-stick cooking spray and divide the batter, evenly, between the two. Microwave on high for 2 ½-3 minutes. (Cooking time will vary based on the wattage of your microwave.)

I keep Pyure on my Amazon Subscribe & Save order. I use this stuff for all of my sugar free cooking, as well as in my coffee and tea. You can also purchase it locally at Walmart.

*This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase through those links, your price remains the same, but I will receive a small commission to support maintenance of this site.


Chocolate Custard/Frozen Custard

Chocolate Custard

As promised, here is the recipe for the chocolate custard. Since the frozen chocolate custard is based on this recipe, I have included instructions for that as well. There are only 2 Smart Points in this entire recipe! It is also sugar free and low carb.

Chocolate Custard

1 Cup water or coffee (coffee enhances the flavor of the chocolate)

½ Cup Hershey’s Special Dark chocolate cocoa powder

½ Cup Pyure sweetener

1 tsp vanilla extract

pinch of Himalayan pink salt or sea salt

OPTIONAL: 1 tsp espresso powder for a true mocha flavor

6 egg yolks

Whisk egg yolks in a medium mixing bowl and set aside.

Add all other ingredients to a medium sauce pan and bring to a boil over medium/high heat, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 3-4 minutes, stirring frequently, until sauce thickens slightly. Remove from heat.

VERY slowly pour 1/3 of the hot chocolate sauce into the egg yolks, whisking continuously. It is important to not rush this step or you will have scrambled yolk. Once the egg mixture is well tempered, add it to your saucepan and continue simmering over low heat, whisking continuously, until thickened – 2-4 minutes, depending on your stove. It should be the texture of pudding. Eat hot, or chill to serve later. If you don’t mind adding points, try serving the custard in the pre-made phyllo mini shells. Four of them are only 2 Smart Points.

For frozen chocolate custard, transfer to a bowl and refrigerate for a minimum of 4 hours. After at least 4 hours, remove from the refrigerator and add:

1 1/2 cup unsweet cashew milk

Mix thoroughly. Pour into your ice cream maker and process according to manufacturer’s instructions.

This gets really hard if you put it in your freezer. It is definitely best eaten immediately. If you prefer a more solid texture, rather than soft serve, place in the freezer for about 45 minutes to an hour, stirring occasionally.

A one cup serving is zero Smart Points!

choc frozen custard
This is a 1/2 cup serving, which is Zero Smart Points!!

If you really want a chocolate overload, add some zero Point chocolate sauce!

Stay tuned for more ridiculously low Smart Point ice cream recipes.  If you don’t yet have an ice cream maker, follow my link to Amazon and pick up the one I use.

*There are affiliate links in this post. If you use them to purchase a recommended product there will be no additional cost to you, but I will earn a small commission for your purchase.


Simple Chocolate Sauce – 6 TBSP – Zero Smart Points, Sugar Free & Fabulous!

*There are affiliate links in this post. If you use them to purchase a recommended product there will be no additional cost to you, but I will earn a small commission for your purchase.

chocolate sauce

I am about to launch a series of recipes that build off of one another. The first recipe I am offering is this simple chocolate sauce recipe. I use this recipe as a base to make chocolate custard as well as 1 Point frozen chocolate custard. You read that correctly – 1 Point frozen chocolate custard! It’s only 3 Points for the entire 1 ½ quart batch!

I don’t particularly enjoy cooking, but I enjoy eating well, so I have been doing lots of experimentation in the kitchen recently. I’m going to give you the base recipe, as well as some variants, so you can make the chocolate sauce of your low Point dreams! The custard recipe will follow in a few days, as well as the frozen custard recipe. Be sure to subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss them!

You might want to go ahead and grab an ice cream maker so you will be ready to go when my frozen custard recipe is published. This is the one I use:

Consider purchasing a second freezer bowl. I have two and it makes it possible to serve more than just one flavor. (Yes, I will be posting recipes for more than just chocolate.) The bowls require 24 hours in the freezer before use, so it is just handy to have a second one. I am actually considering getting a third one!

Simple Chocolate Sauce – 2 Smart Points for the entire batch

Yields about 1 ¼ cups

1 Cup water or coffee (coffee enhances the flavor of the chocolate)

½ Cup Hershey’s Special Dark chocolate cocoa powder (You can use regular Hershey’s cocoa for a lighter chocolate sauce, but the Smart Points value will be 4 for the batch.) The cocoa is the only ingredient with a Points value, so be sure that what the Smart Points value is for your ½ cup of cocoa powder if you use a different brand.

1/3 Cup plus 1 Tbsp Pyure sweetener (You might want to get this on Subscribe & Save.  It will be in most of my sweet recipes.)

1 tsp vanilla extract

Pinch of Himalayan pink salt or sea salt

¼ tsp xanthan gum (optional, if you want to make the sauce a little thicker)

Add all ingredients to a small sauce pan and bring to a boil over medium/high heat, whisking constantly. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 3-4 minutes, whisking frequently, until sauce thickens slightly. Remove from heat and pour into a glass container. The sauce will continue to thicken a little as it cools. It is the perfect topping for ice cream or the 1 Point chocolate cake that is forthcoming in a future post. It also works great in your morning coffee or drizzled over strawberries. It’s a new staple in my home for all of my chocolate saucing needs!

Hope you enjoy!

Let me know how you use this chocolate sauce, or tweaks you make to improve the recipe.

*Note, if white crystals form on the top of your sauce as it cools, that is just the nature of the erythritol sweetener. Simply stir to reincorporate.


The Infamous Savor Spoon

One of my savor spoons with my homemade, sugar free, chocolate custard.

There are many weird and quirky things about me. For instance, I only wear red, black, white and gray, except on St. Patrick’s Day. I have crazy names and bizarre uses for common things. My couch has storage under every seat, so I have deemed it my “couch pantry”. I carry low carb, low calorie, low Point tortillas in my car, at all times, and they are now called “cartillas”. I lovingly refer to one of my dearest female friends as “Bob”, and the giant bean bag in my living room is the “jolly candy-like sack”!

People who are around me, for any period of time, eventually know these things about me. One thing that most everyone who knows me is privy to is my fondness for my “savor spoons”. I first started using these tiny spoons to get myself to slow down when eating any type of dessert. I have half a dozen of them at home and keep one in my purse to have on hand when on the go. I now use them for more than just the decadent foods. There could be a savor spoon in my hand at any meal, any time!

In the past year or so, I have attributed much symbolism to the spoons. As I have begun to put more focus on God, and less on food, I have become more mindful of how blessed I am. When it comes down to it, what has been my biggest battle in life – food and weight loss – is merely a need to manage my blessings. I have more than enough of whatever foods I want, whenever I want and I was complaining because I must moderate my intake. When the reality hit me that I was complaining about being so blessed, these spoons became a reminder to me to be thankful. They are an anchor for me.

Over the past couple of years, I have gifted them to a few special people in my life. I wish I could put one in the hand of every person who battles their weight and relationship with food. Alas, I do not have the means to purchase spoons for the masses, but I can share my thoughts and the meanings associated with that tiny spoon and provide you with the link to purchase one – or four -of your very own. They shall henceforth be called the “Spoon of Savoring”, or S.O.S., if you will, since they serve to remind me of my blessings and often help save me from myself! May you constantly be reminded of ALL that you have been given!


What anchors or lifelines do you have to keep you steady in your wellness journey? How could the simple act of being more thankful be a key to your long-term success?

May you keep your DIETside in check today!


Surviving Smart Points or Any Eating Plan: Essential Tools

I don’t like to cook. It’s not something that I actually enjoy or find relaxing in any way. Cooking is time consuming, boring and generates more dishes, which are already the bane of my existence! That being said, I love the benefits of cooking. I save money. I know what is in my food. I don’t have to question the cleanliness or hygiene of the person who has prepared my food. Most importantly, I GET TO EAT MORE!!!

This is an important point when you are a volume eater. Yes, I love my sweets, but I NEED good portions of real food to stay sane. Forget those stupid frozen meals. I need three of those to feel like I have eaten, yet for the Point/calorie cost of one, I can actually have three times as much food if I make it myself.

There are several kitchen tools that I find essential for making cooking easier and more convenient.  There are also items that I use to help in my weight loss success.


I didn’t realize how amazing Crockpots are until about five years ago. I can’t believe I did not use this amazing appliance before then. There are so many great recipes that you can just throw in the Crockpot in the morning, then enjoy at dinner. Here is a link to 149 recipes that I found on Pinterest. There are tons of posts geared toward healthy, Weight Watchers friendly recipes. A Crockpot makes cooking as painless as it can possibly be. I recommend one for every kitchen. I like to have at least a 5 qt, but a 7 qt is awesome for generating plenty of leftovers for my family of four. This is the Crockpot I have. It is inexpensive and reliable.


This handy little tool has gotten more and more affordable since the original Magic Bullet was released. I use mine for smoothies, homemade salsa, homemade hummus and cold coffee concoctions worthy of a Starbuck’s barista. (At least in my mind.) I actually have two different personal blenders. The Magic Bullet MBR-1701 17-Piece Express Mixing Set“>Magic Bullet is in my kitchen and my husband has one at work to make Weight Watchers smoothies, in the afternoon, as a protein packed pick me up.


This is another appliance that I didn’t utilize nearly soon enough. We got one as a wedding gift in 1996, and I’m pretty sure it stayed in the box until well into the new millennium! Once I did unbox it, I think it became my second favorite appliance, behind the Crockpot. I make all different types of wannabe pancakes, toast with a hole, hamburgers, hash browns, eggs, crab and tuna cakes, as well as grilled burritos of all sorts. There’s room to cook for everyone, so I only get the griddle dirty, versus two or three different pans. This appliance is also great for reheating my homemade pizza. It crisps the crust perfectly. It’s just very useful.


When my husband first brought these home, I was skeptical, but now I use them all the time. We have a couple different microwave egg pans, but they make a mess and the eggs don’t taste as good. If you are totally averse to pulling out a pan to cook your single egg on the stove, then definitely grab one of the microwave versions. Single egg cooking makes breakfast sandwiches a breeze.


Stock up on plenty of small storage containers for doing advanced food prep and packing lunches. If you are easily able to portion out snacks and meals for future use, you will be less likely to just mindlessly grab junk. You can even purchase baggies with measurements right on the bag for ¼ – 1 cup portions. They are great for nuts and granola or even your indulgences like M&M’s or chips. (I found mine at Walmart.)


With the ridiculously high cost of canned cooking spray, I find this tool useful in two ways. One, it saves me money. Two, it allows me to control what kind of oil is going on my food. It is very handy for controlling the amount of oil that I spray when making my Simply Filling Croutons.


This has nothing to do with cooking, but these are definitely an essential tool for me.  I know it sounds silly, but eating out of a smaller spoon really does help me to slow down.  I use one for yogurt, my occasional scoop of ice cream or slice of cake, oatmeal, chili, pretty much anytime I need to just slow down and spend more time with my food.  These are my absolute favorite spoons.


I love these handy little containers.  They are perfect for packing condiments in your lunch, or for stashing in your purse or bag for extra help when eating out.  I use them for salad dressing, sauces and fat free sour cream.  Any time I am going out to eat, where I might have a salad and baked potato, I am sure to have my fat free dressing and sour cream with me.


I love this little shaker from Coleman.  I can easily put it in my pocket or purse and have two different spices or popcorn seasonings with me.  It’s good to have a couple on hand to carry different spices.  These come in handy to boost the flavor of your steamed veggies or baked potato when eating out.  I like to have sea salt with me, so I’m not using low quality table salt when I’m not at home.

10.  Ice Cream Maker

This appliance is amazing!  Now that eggs are zero Smart Points (ZSP) and there are amazing ZSP natural sweeteners on the market, I can make all kinds of decadent frozen custards and desserts.  (Recipes will be forthcoming.)  If you buy this and can afford an extra freezer tub, it is totally worth it.

Those are just a few of my “must have” tools.  What are some of your favorites to help tame your DIETside?
