Surviving Smart Points: Never Hungry

I know that I sound like a diet zealot, pushing the Weight Watchers Simply Filling method, but I don’t like to see people struggle to stay with an eating plan because they are physically hungry. We all have our cravings, weaknesses and flat out red light foods that we want psychologically, but I’m talking about physical hunger. Actual hunger, should not be an issue, even during weight loss. Being at a normal, healthy weight, does not mean we have to starve or feel tortured, we just have to eat the right kinds of foods in reasonable quantities.  (By reasonable, I don’t mean tiny, which is why I eat this way.)

Whether you are following SmartPoints or have chosen to stick with PointsPlus, I believe you will find it much easier to incorporate Simply Filling. You will not be hungry and you’ll still have Points for chocolate, ice cream, or whatever other sweet you crave.  Since you can change method daily, you get a tremendous amount of flexibility.

Today, I am going to continue with Simply Filling meal ideas, recipes and products.  Weight Watchers provides a list of food types that are Simply Filling, but it is helpful to know specific brands that will help you to eat Simply Filling. Breads and pastas are some of the biggest things people seem to miss or hesitate to spend Points on. Here are some options that are Simply Filling and low Point.

Sara Lee, Trader Joe’s, Aldi and other store brand light wheat bread

Sara Lee, Great Value and other store brand light hot dog buns

Sara Lee, Great Value and other store brand light hamburger buns

Thomas’ Light English Muffins

Oroweat & Aldi 100% whole wheat sandwich thins

Mission Brand, white corn tortillas

Ole Mexican Foods Xtreme Wellness! High fiber low carb tortilla wraps

Ole Mexican Foods Xtreme Wellness! Tomato basil tortilla wraps

Ole Mexican Foods Xtreme Wellness! Spinach & herbs tortilla wraps

La Tortilla 100 Calorie 100% Whole wheat tortilla

La Tortilla Smart & Delicious 100 Calorie traditional tortilla and all other Smart & Delicious options

Flatout Light Flatbread Wraps, Low Fat, Original

Flatout Foldit 5 grain flax artisan flatbread

Flatout Light Flatbread Wraps, Italian Herb

Flatout Healthy Grain Flatbread Wraps, Multi-Grain with Flax

Flatout Fold it Artisan rosemary and olive oil flatbread

Flatout Foldit Everything artisan flatbreads

Flatout Foldit Hungry girl 100% whole wheat with flax flatbread

Flatout Light Flatbread Wraps, Garden Spinach

Flatout Fold it Flatbread, Traditional White

Flatout Healthy Grain Flatbread Wraps, Honey Wheat

Any type of whole wheat pasta

For those who are die hard about not eating processed foods, these don’t fit that bill, but if you are just trying to do better and make the scale go in the right direction, these are great options to keep you sane. Having these products available makes somewhat “normal” eating possible.

You can have a hamburger, hot dog, burritos, breakfast burritos, flatbread pizzas and English muffin breakfast sandwiches. You can even make your own breadcrumbs to make Simply Filling meatballs, meatloaf, crab cakes and tuna cakes. You can also make croutons for your salads, or just a crunchy, tasty snack.



Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Cut light bread into crouton sized pieces. It takes three slices to make 1 cup of breadcrumbs. I usually put six on a cookie sheet.

Spray lightly with olive oil or cooking spray. I use the Misto so I can use my preferred extra virgin olive oil.

Sprinkle with garlic salt or whatever other flavor you would like. Popcorn seasonings are great for changing up the flavor.

Bake for 10-15 minutes, until the croutons are browned and crunchy. Crumble to make breadcrumbs.



1 pound lean ground Turkey, Beef or venison
1 Cup Simply Filling breadcrumbs
1 whole egg
1/3 Cup skim milk
2 tsp. Minced garlic
2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp. Salt
1/8 tsp. Black pepper
1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
1 8 oz can tomato sauce – divided in half
½ onion, diced
2 packets Stevia

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl, EXCEPT ½ of the tomato sauce, 1 tsp Dijon mustard and stevia packets. Combine those in a separate bowl to pour over the top of your meatloaf.

Once meat mixture is thoroughly combined, form into a loaf and place in bread pan. Cover with tomato sauce and Dijon mixture. Bake for 35-40 minutes, until center is no longer pink.

Serve with freshly mashed potatoes, which are also Simply Filling. Just cook your potatoes and mash with fat free sour cream, skim milk, salt and pepper. Or, pull out the popcorn seasonings to add butter flavor, sour cream and onion flavor, cheddar or cheddar and bacon.  You can also use fat free cream cheese or plain Greek yogurt instead of sour cream.  Make it even lighter by substituting cauliflower for potatoes.

Add some steamed veggies and you’ll have a huge plate of Simply Filling comfort food!



For meatballs, follow the meatloaf recipe above, but add 1 tsp, Italian seasoning. Top with the ½ cup tomato sauce, but leave out the Dijon and stevia. Form into balls instead of a loaf. Bake for 20-25 minutes.



1 28 oz. Can crushed tomatoes
1 10 oz. Can Rotel or other diced tomatoes and green chilies
1 8 oz can tomato sauce
2 tsp. Olive oil
½ medium onion, diced (I prefer sweet yellow onions.)
½ green bell pepper, diced
1 Tbsp minced garlic
1 Tbsp Italian seasoning
½ tsp salt
1/8 tsp black pepper
2 packets Stevia

Heat oil over medium heat, in a large saucepan. Saute peppers, onions and garlic until onions are clear. Add all other ingredients to the pan and bring to a boil at medium heat, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes.


To make meat sauce, prepare Simply Filling Turkey Sausage and add to sauce as it simmers.

If you really want to take this sauce to the next level, add 1, 8oz package of fat free cream cheese at about the 15 minute mark. (I prefer the Great Value brand at Walmart. It seems to melt and incorporate better than the other brands that I have tried.)

Or, add both the meat and cream cheese, and prepare to feel like you are doing something really bad! It’s so good. My 13 year old son gives it rave reviews.

Serve over your choice of whole wheat pasta, quinoa pasta or spaghetti squash. You can even load a toasted, light, hot dog bun with meatballs and cover with any version of the sauce for an incredible meatball sandwich!

This is the end result. I have to say, my preference is with meat and cream cheese.
This is the end result. I have to say, my preference is with meat and cream cheese.  I need to remember to use my white plates for future photos.  This photo does not do this justice!  Maybe that’s good though, it might make you hungry if it was better.

What are some of your favorite foods that you would like to see “Simply Fillified”? Let me know and I’ll see what I can do to convert your recipe or come up with one!  Here’s to feeding the DIETside well!


Motivation for the New Year…Maybe

If you have read some of my other posts, you have probably inferred that I have a fairly cynical side. Even when I am in the best of moods, my mind responds to motivational sayings with cynicism and humor. That is how I came up with the name for my blog. I would hear something that is supposed to be motivational, and then this other side of me would have a totally wrong response to it. I decided that was my DIETside.

In the spirit of the new year, here are some motivational quotes, along with my DIETside responses.

DIETside 16

DIETside 15

DIETside 14

DIETside 13

DIETside 12

DIETside 11

DIETside 10

DIETside 9

DIETside 8

DIETside 7

DIETside 6

DIETside 5

DIETside 4

DIETside 3

DIETside 2

DIETside 1





Surviving Smart Points: the Fork Awakens

As promised, I will continue with my Smart Points* Survival Guide. It can actually be a Points Plus* Survival Guide too. On either plan, you we be more satisfied and have more Points available to use on treats and splurges if you follow Simply Filling*. For Smart Points, this is even more important, so that you are eating enough high quality food to keep yourself out of starvation mode and fuel your body.

I think most of us realize that we can’t live on junk and be thin or healthy, but there is no reason to starve or feel deprived.  We can have good tasting, healthy food on our forks.  It just takes a little creativity and some minor tweaks.

In my last post, I made reference to Simply Filling* turkey sausage. The recipe is simple and can be used in many other recipes, like meat sauce for spaghetti, lasagna and breakfast casserole. I like making a double batch so that I have enough to make patties as well as crumbles. A single pound will make nine nice sized patties, perfect for English muffin sandwiches. The crumbles are also nice for omelets, breakfast burritos and flatbread pizzas. There are just a ton of uses. Again, this recipe is Simply Filling, so if you follow that Weight Watchers program option, it does not take away from your Weekly Points. If you are staying on Points Plus, the total recipe is 12 PP. For Smart Points, the total recipe is 6 SP. I was able to make nine patties, so on SP you can have three patties for 2 SP!


20160101_172336 (1024x576)
Freshly made Simply Filling turkey sausage patties, accompanied by my son’s light saber fork!








1 pound 99% fat free ground turkey breast (I purchase mine at Sprout’s)
1 ½ tsp. Sage
1 tsp. Salt (I prefer pink Himalayan)
1 tsp. Black pepper
½ tsp. Thyme
¼ – ½ tsp. Cayenne (use the ¼ tsp for less spicy)
1 tsp minced garlic
1/8 tsp. Cardamom
1/8 tsp. Allspice
1/8 tsp. Ground cloves

Place all of your ingredients in a bowl and mix well. You do not want random pockets of spices. Once mixed thoroughly, form into 3 inch patties. These are so lean that they will not shrink. Cook in a non-stick skillet on medium heat, about 3 minutes per side.  I do it more by sight than time.  I like them nice and browned. These freeze just fine, so you can make a large batch to have plenty on hand for easy breakfasts.

If you prefer crumbles, just add the mixture to a skillet over medium heat and brown the meat, breaking it up as it cooks.

This is such an easy recipe that lets you control what is going into your sausage. Play with the spices if it is too spicy or too mild for you. Add ¼ tsp oregano and basil to make it Italian sausage. Get creative!

Make your sausage crumbles and then use them to make a Simply Filling breakfast casserole.



1 pound Simply Filling Turkey Sausage Crumbles
1 24 oz. Bag frozen hash browns (Make sure there is no added oil, just shredded potatoes and preservative)
8 whole eggs
¾ Cup Skim Milk
1 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
8 ounces of fat free cheese – your choice
Diced peppers, onions, mushrooms and fresh spinach are all optional
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Thaw hash browns and remove excess water using a colander or layering between paper towels.
Spray a 9×13 pan with cooking spray and line the bottom of the pan with the hash browns.
Bake for 10 minutes and check to see if they are browned. Cooking time will vary based on water content remaining in the potatoes.
While the hash browns are browning, whisk together the eggs, milk, salt, pepper
Add any vegetables you choose to include to the egg mixture.
Once hash browns are browned, pour the egg mixture over the hash browns, then top with your fat free cheese of choice.

You may either bake immediately, refrigerate for use the following day, or freeze for later.

Bake at 350 for 35-40 minutes

Smart Point total for the recipe is 44 SP , 1/8th of the casserole is 6 SP
Points Plus total for recipe is 54 PP, 1/8th of the casserole is 7 PP

That’s it for today’s post, but there’s plenty more to come!  You really can eat normal portions of quality, good tasting food, splurge a little and still lose weight.  Stay tuned as we tame our DIETside by continuing to awaken the fork!

If you didn’t see part one of the Surviving Smart Points series, you can find it here.

*WEIGHT WATCHERS is the registered trademark of Weight Watchers International, Inc. SmartPoints, PointsPlus and Simply Filling are trademarks of Weight Watchers International, Inc. Recipes have not been approved or reviewed by Weight Watchers.


Forget Resolutions, I Want a Revolution!

Christmas is over and it is that contemplative time when everyone makes grand plans for the new year. We resolve to make all kinds of positive changes in our lives, usually only to fail. At least that has been my experience. That’s why this year I am not making any resolutions, I am leading a revolution!

Now, I’m not against resolutions. I just think we need more. The dictionary defines a resolution as “a firm decision to do or not do something”. A revolution is, “a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.” If you’re overweight, you need a new system of governing your body! You don’t need to just change your mind, you need to change your life. I know that was true for me. I don’t always embrace my new system, but it’s what is necessary for life to be different.

There are many systems you can choose, but you want to select one that is healthy, both physically and mentally. Choose something that fits with your personality, lifestyle and tastes. Choose something that you can do each day without guilt, resentment and deprivation – most of the time! For me, that’s Weight Watchers. That’s not the only way, but it does work for a lot of people because it is so flexible. The important thing is to find what you can live with and start your revolution. Overthrow all of the attitudes, behaviors and circumstances that are holding you back. Set yourself free one day at a time.

We put far too much focus on each new year, instead of each new day. Each day is a literal revolution – it’s one revolution on the earth’s axis. Each day is a gift. We get to have a fresh start, every single morning. Don’t look at the whole year. Just determine what you can do today to achieve your goals.

When my mom fought breast cancer, she said she woke up every day and told God that she would do her part that day. She could do “today”, but that’s all she could handle. Looking ahead at the 20 weeks of chemo and multiple surgeries was too much to handle, but, by grace, each day was doable. And believe me, in times like that, you are more mindful and thankful for each day. A single day is powerful!

When I think of weight loss and management in the long term, I get depressed, anxious and resentful. If I look at today, I know I can do today. That’s a very Biblical principle, so it’s no surprise that it works!

The great thing about living one day at a time is that we don’t have to change everything, all at once. Do better, then do more. If you drink a six pack of soda per day, cut back to one. If you eat dessert after every meal, limit it to after one meal. Ease yourself into the changes and they are easier to make. You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be better. Before you know it, each little change has brought you miles from where you once were, with relatively little pain. You will still have your tantrum days; days that going back to old habits seems preferable, despite the consequences; and days when none of it seems worth it. Stay the course on those days. When you think you have failed, realize it was but one battle in your revolution. It is just one day, after all.

Find like minded people to join your revolution. A successful revolution requires support. Arm yourself with knowledge. Hone your cooking skills. If you find yourself down on the battle field, call for help. Even the mighty can fall. None of us can do this alone. We were designed to bring one another strength.

What do you want for yourself today, a resolution or a revolution? With a resolution, you change your mind, but a revolution changes everything! Won’t you join me in the revolution? Viva la revolution! Down with the DIETside!


When Moderation Doesn’t Cut the Cake…Neither Do I!

chocolate cake

So far, I am sixteen months into my latest weight loss journey. I have traveled this road more times than I care to admit. One positive to walking the same road so many times is that you notice new things each time and you learn stuff about yourself that can help you to overcome the obstacles more easily.

One of my biggest problems with weight loss, or maintaining my weight, is fatigue. The effort that it takes to maintain my weight is hard enough, but losing just drains me. Add stress and hormones to the mix and sometimes there is a perfect storm for falling off the wagon. Excuses mount and my determination to not give into them wanes. There are a million good reasons to not subject myself to the discipline this all requires.

When I’m already mentally tired and one of those strong cravings hit, I have learned that at some point I will give in. I’m not talking about a normal craving. I’m talking about an overwhelming compulsion to eat, and eat a lot…a lot of stuff that is not healthy. There is an actual scientific explanation behind all of it. (Google grehlin and leptin if you want to know the details.) I’m not crazy or weak. My body is truly compelling me to eat. I’m fighting biology and it is a battle that is nearly impossible to win with sheer will power.

So, what do I do? I eat! In the past I would eat, then eat some more, then just give up because I felt guilty and like a failure. One day of indulgence turned to a week, then a month. Five pounds would turn into ten, then all of a sudden I’m a hundred pounds overweight again. Years of struggle can be undone in months. It’s not fair, but little in life is. I’ve got to suck it up and figure out how to overcome it!

It hit the wall this past week. I have been doing the right things for a long time, and recently have been getting wrong results. I’ve made “good” choices but am not seeing the reward. The cravings hit and I snapped. I lost all mental control and my mindset was that I might as well let my behavior match my recent results. I have been stuck for 8 months, just bouncing around in the same five pound range. I have worked hard and am just stuck. I really wanted to go on a huge bender.

I bought a chocolate cake and didn’t even want to cut it. Diving in sounded like a great plan! I didn’t really sit down to the whole cake, but I cut a huge slice. The good news is that I didn’t eat it all! I ate all that I wanted though. I still journaled every bite and paid close attention to my thoughts and feelings about it all. Even in the midst of my weakness I was formulating a plan to recover.

I decided not to feel guilty and not to worry if the scale was up a little. Letting myself have as much as I wanted flipped that switch in my head that was telling me I was deprived. It also made me physically ill, which motivated me to go back to my healthy, non bloating, non headache inducing meals. Sometimes a moderate amount of what you crave won’t kill the craving, but a controlled binge can actually get you back on track. It doesn’t have to totally derail you. I’m happy to say that five days out from my chocolate cake binge, I am down two pounds and am no longer mentally agitated and fatigued. DIETside – 0, Kim – 1. Take that!

*The opinions in this post fly in the face of what many health and fitness professionals will tell you, but unless they’ve ever lost 100 pounds or needed to, they have no practical understanding of what is actually necessary to manage the life long fight against morbid obesity. Still, I’m not making any health recommendations or claims, just sharing what helps to tame my DIETside.


8 Cost Effective Ways to Stay in Style While You Shrink

Image courtesy of photostock at
Image courtesy of photostock at


There are all kinds of issues associated with weight loss, that the average person does not think about.  Some of them can be very costly.  Wardrobe is one of the most expensive.  For people like me, who are losing over 100 pounds, there are a lot of sizes to shrink through!  I’m not a clothes horse, at all, and don’t really care about name brands, but even if you buy everything at Walmart, you’ll be out a lot of cash.That’s why I have gotten creative with my clothing acquisition.


We all have friends or family members who are going to be the same size as us, at some point along our journey.  I guarantee you, every single one of them is just like you, and has plenty of clothes in their closet that do not fit right, they don’t like or don’t wear for some reason.  Ask them to share with you!

I was celebrating my weight loss successes with my grandma, (Gran), a few weeks ago, when the kids and I spent the weekend with her.  I told her that since fall set in, and the weather started to cool, I had realized that I only owned one pair of long pants that fit – the black slacks I was wearing.   Gran jumped up and grabbed three pairs of jeans out of her own closet and told me to try them on.  I know what you’re thinking, “you’re skipping middle-aged mom jeans and going straight to grandma jeans?”.  It was a funny thought to me too, but Gran is as cool as they come, at 85, and buys nice clothes.  The jeans she gave me fit great, were the latest styles, comfortable, and probably higher quality than any pair I’ve owned since having kids.  I was thrilled.  I wear my “grandma jeans” proudly!  The best part is, every single time I put them on, it reminds me to say a little prayer for Gran and makes me smile.  No, it makes me laugh – “Grandma jeans”.

My mom and several friends have also contributed to my wardrobe along the way. I think the only things I have absolutely had to buy are underwear and t-shirts.


If you are in a group like Weight Watchers, or even one you’ve assembled on your own, just create your own clothing swap. There are opportunities through church, homeschool groups, work, even your local gym. Anywhere you can bring a group of people together who are losing weight, you can make a swap group.

An easy way to do it, without any one person taking the responsibility of keeping all the clothes, is to start a secret Facebook group. It’s best to keep things local unless you want to deal with shipping. Members can post photos of items they are giving away or selling.

It is best to have groups be either free or for sale, rather than both in the same group. It’s not difficult to set up Facebook groups, so it’s no big deal to have two groups if you need to. There are already local groups on Facebook, in just about every area of the country, but sometimes it’s nice to keep things smaller and more personal.


Just search Facebook using your city and the term “plus sized clothing” or “women’s clothing”, “men’s clothing”, whatever type of clothing you are looking to buy. You should find many groups that you can join that offer prices somewhere between garage sale and Goodwill. This is also a good option for selling your too big clothes, if you don’t mind meeting strangers at the local convenience store or Walmart parking lot to make the sale.


I make the rounds of my area Goodwill stores every few weeks. I have had great success finding clothes that I love by being patient. The best part is, I can even use coupons at Goodwill! You heard me right, every month, in the community paper I receive, there is a coupon for 50% off one clothing item at Goodwill. They also have special, discount shopping days each month, including sales for senior citizens and 50% off all of the clothing you can fit in one bag. Flyers with this information can be found at the front of any store.

If you’ve never shopped at a Goodwill store, tell the cashier it is your first time and ask if you can complete their customer survey to receive 50% off one item. Also, be sure to take note of the sign that tells you the half price number. Every single price tag in Goodwill is numbered. If that number is the same as, or less than the half price number, you will receive half off on that item. This is applicable for as many items as you find, not just one.

Shopping at Goodwill can actually add more name brands to your wardrobe than you already have. There is no way I would spend $90 for a pair of pants at Talbot’s, but I purchased a brand new pair of Talbot’s pants at Goodwill, that still had the tags on them, for $3.50. They were marked at $6.99, but I used my coupon!

My most recent purchase was a black, lamb skin coat. It looks brand new, fits like it was made for me, and full price was only $25. I would have jumped up and down with joy over that find, but I would have risked injury from my still plus sized bust!

FYI, typical pricing at Goodwill for women’s clothing is $4.99 for shirts, skirts and some pants, $6.99 for jeans and some pants. Coats can start as low as $9.99. Dresses and suits can be anywhere from $6.99 to $14.99.

Another option is to use their website, Things tend to be higher priced there, since it is an auction format, but it’s still worth using.

I tend to have the most success at Goodwill, but any Thrift shop can house hidden treasures.


Local consignment stores are a great way to buy new clothes, as well as sell those you’ve under grown. And by the way, you definitely want to get those big clothes out of your closet. Don’t leave yourself a closet full of “Plan B” to go back to. Selling them helps fund your new wardrobe, which is a lot better than going back, any day!

If you still need plus sized clothes, or have plus size to sell, look for a specialty consignment store for plus sizes. You will find more of what you’re looking for and have faster turn over of clothes you are selling.

You will usually pay more at a consignment store than at Goodwill and thrift stores, but you will generally find very high quality clothing, since they have strict standards for merchandise.


eBay is another way to find great items to fill out your weight loss wardrobe. I use them to find smaller sizes of items that I already own and love. I have also sold clothing through them. You will typically earn more than selling through a consignment store, but there is more work involved with shipping and managing the auctions.

Sunday I wore my favorite cardigan sweater that I bought last winter. (At Goodwill, by the way.) Well, I’m 30 pounds lighter now, so it was hanging on me. Even after a hot wash and dry it did not shrink enough. I hopped on eBay and just happened to find the exact sweater, one size smaller. I happily agreed to pay $8.50 plus $7.00 shipping to be able to have my favorite sweater in a size that fits.

I am still on the lookout for a smaller version of my mom’s favorite shirt. She has lost 50 pounds and passed her XL along to me. We are looking for a size large in this shirt from Roz and Liv, which was from the Dress Barn. Anyone?



There is a whole movement out there that promotes less consumerism and less waste. I know several people who have participated through to get clothing and many other items for free. It is new to me, but I will share any success in the future. It’s definitely worth learning what is available in your area.


I didn’t mention garage sales until last, because they are just too much work for too little reward, in my opinion. However, if you love them, go for it! Local papers and Craigslist will point you to sales in your area. Look for sales in upscale neighborhoods, especially neighborhood sponsored sales where you can shop a lot of houses in one day. Also, go early. You know what they say, “the early bird gets the Brunello Cucinelli!” OK, I had no idea who Cucinelli was, until two minutes ago, when I looked on the Neiman Marcus website for premier designers. His jeans cost $975! I’m guessing that people who buy Bruno Cucinelli do not have garage sales, but I’m trying to be funny here people!
Anyway, there are lots of ways to turn your too big clothes into cash and to find that new, temporary wardrobe without breaking the bank. And, if anyone needs anything in sizes 18, all the way through 26/28, let me know. I have a lot of stuff that I would still like to sell myself. I have a lot of vests that need good, new homes. You can email me at


Foods That are Always in My House

What my counter looks like after a trip to Sprout's
What my counter looks like after a trip to Sprout’s

One of the questions I often get asked is, “what products do you use?”  I try to eat a widely varied diet, but there are certain things that are absolute staples in my home.  Some are healthy and some are just low calorie and helpful, but maybe not the healthiest option.  Don’t judge me.  I’m doing what I can manage my way to health.  I don’t think we have to change everything at once or be perfect, we just need to continue to do better.  That being said, here are some of my favorite things:


I have yet to try all of their products, but am working my way through them.  I use their salad dressings on a regular basis.  They are, by no means, a replacement for a good dose of ranch dressing, but for zero calories, I have learned to really enjoy them.  My personal favorite is the Caesar, but my husband loves the Creamy Bacon.

I also have used their various ice cream syrups and toppings.  The caramel syrup is my favorite.  I use it in coffee, on baked apples, in smoothies and I whip it into fat free cream cheese to make a wonderful fruit dip.  There are also dips, but I did not care for them at all. Marshmallow just can’t exist without sugar.  I really tried to like their peanut spreads, but even my imagination is not that good!

Not everything they make hits the mark, but some of it is close enough to make them a worthwhile tool for weight loss.  I’ll keep this list updated as I try more of their products.


Caesar DressingCreamy Bacon

Walden Farms products are available online, but I recommend finding them in your local store.  I rarely pay more than $3.99 for their products.  Sprout’s often has them on sale and carries a wide variety.  If you are in Northeast Oklahoma, Reasor’s has the most complete selection of their products that I have found.


This wonderful little store gets it’s own section.  Their prices are great and they carry so many products that cater to those trying to be healthy.  They even have a huge range of gluten free products for those with that need.  Their produce is fresh and you’ll save a fortune over other stores.  They have seasonal items that are unique and wonderful.

What I buy here:

  • 100 calorie Greek yogurt – I’m never without Greek yogurt.  It is loaded with protein and can quench that sweet tooth.  Add a couple tablespoons of granola for a really satisfying snack.
  • 45 calorie light wheat bread – not just for sandwiches, make homemade croutons* and breadcrumbs*
  • fresh produce and bagged salad
  • Pizzelle wafer cookies*
  • Organic pasta sauce
  • Frozen fruit
  • Eggs
  • Stevia – I use this more natural sweetener in my coffee, tea and baking

There are so many good products, including organic, and you will save up to 30% off of your normal grocery bill.  The real bonus is how quickly you can shop here.  Just be sure to have a quarter for your shopping cart.  (You get it back when you return your cart.)


Sometimes there just isn’t time to make a proper meal, or you find yourself away from home longer than expected.  You’re hungry and want to avoid the drive thru.  Having protein bars handy is part of my emergency eating kit.  I keep them in my purse at all times.  I really enjoy most of the Atkin’s brand bars, but my favorite is this one from Pure Protein.

I like these because they have whey protein and no soy.  They have a good flavor and texture and pack 21 grams of protein per bar.  Walmart has the best in-store pricing that I have found.  Amazon’s price for a two-pack, shipped free, rivals the Walmart price and is so convenient.  I also really enjoy Kind bars.  I have yet to find one that I don’t like.  What’s great about them is that they come in sweet as well as savory.


If you use the Amazon shopping link above to purchase them, I will be compensated through the Amazon Affiliate program. 


This melty, tasty, processed cheese is not the healthiest choice, but it is a staple for me.  They make wonderful grilled cheese and top a homemade Egg McMuffin* perfectly.  They are only 1 PP on Weight Watchers!


Whether you purchase whole wheat, light or plain old white, they are all 3 PP on Weight Watchers.  I use them to make the homemade Egg McMuffins I mentioned above.  The light version is loaded with fiber and when combined with a protein packed egg, a Velveeta slice and the next product on my list, you have a tasty, filling breakfast that acts like a comfort food.  They are also great for making mini pizzas.


Great for a quick snack, on a tortilla pizza, or in your homemade Egg McMuffin.  Use it in an omelet or hash brown quiche*.   It’s just a versatile food to have handy at all times.  Sam’s Club carries an uncured version by Rose that is considered a Power Food on Weight Watchers and you can have 3 slices for just 1 PP.


These are always in my pantry.  They are great for obvious things like soft tacos, burritos and wraps, but also for making baked chips, pizza and even desserts*.  Some of my favorites are:




Oh the many uses of fat free cream cheese! Savory or sweet, it just makes things better.  There are so many things to do with this wonderful ingredient that it will be getting it’s own post on my recipes page.  I have tried the name brands, but actually prefer Great Value brand from Walmart.

This product can be used as a lighter substitute for peanut butter on a sandwich, but I use it in lots of other ways.  It goes in my oatmeal and smoothies.  I use it on popcorn as seasoning.  I mix it into fat free cream cheese to make fruit dip that is amazing on apples or even toast.  Add it to your Greek yogurt.  Use it in Asian dishes for that peanut taste without all of the fat and calories.  I’m still exploring the possibilities!

FAT FREE REDDI WIP There are days when this low cal treat keeps me sane.  At only 5 calories per tablespoon, I can add it to my fancy coffee drinks or smoothies without guilt.  I love a cup of coffee topped with this and the Walden Farms chocolate syrup.  It feels decadent, but keeps me on track.

(I have to make a confession here.  I just took a break from writing this post to grab a homemade, dark chocolate, chocolate chip, caramel brownie.  I have Bonus Points left and this is the last day of my diet week, so I planned to have a treat!  I will enjoy every single bite of the next 8 Points!  Please excuse me while I grab my tiny spoon and savor!)


You don’t have to buy special, light microwave popcorn and wonder what chemicals you are exposing yourself to.  You can have better, healthier and more flavorful popcorn out of you microwave with a regular old bag of popcorn, brown paper lunch sacks and various popcorn seasonings.  You have better control over portion size with this method as well.  Just put 3 tablespoons of popcorn in your lunch sack and pop for about 2 minutes, on high, in your microwave.  It might take you a couple tries to find the perfect timing with your microwave.  Spray it with a couple squirts of coconut oil spray or olive oil spray, then add salt, PB2 or whatever other seasoning you prefer.  Shake and enjoy!  Look for Kernel Season’s popcorn seasonings.  They have lots of flavors and so far, all of them I have tried are really good.

The popcorn seasonings are also great on steamed vegetables or oven roasted french fries.


I always have Light Mini Baby Bells, light string cheese and light Laughing Cow wedges on hand for various uses.  I try not to eat fruit unless I am paring it with a little protein to control insulin levels – the Mini Baby Bells are a great low Point option.  All of these cheese snacks are only 1 PP.

Once I get my recipe page started, I will post recipes that use these light cheeses.  I make Alfredo sauce and baked cheese sticks that are easy and satisfying.


I keep my house stocked with plenty of real foods so I can always stave off hunger in a healthy way.  WIth these on hand, I have endless recipe options too.

  • Chicken Breasts
  • Lean Ground Beef
  • Lean Ground Turkey
  • Frozen, Wild Caught Salmon
  • Eggs
  • Potatoes – Russest, sweet, yellow
  • Bell peppers
  • Onions
  • Minced garlic
  • Canned beans – black, refried, garbanzo, pinto, chili, kidney, white northern
  • Tomato sauce, tomato paste, diced tomatoes, crushed tomatoes, Rotel tomatoes and green chilies
  • Bullion/broth – canned, boxed and cubed
  • Frozen, microwaveable, steamable vegetables
  • Fresh fruit & frozen fruit
  • Oatmeal
  • Whole wheat pasta
  • Brown rice
  • Granola
  • Skim milk
  • Fat free cream cheese
  • Greek yogurt
  • Fat free sour ceam

That’s it for now, but I will continue to add products as I think of them and as I try new things.

*Watch for links to recipes as I add them to the site.



A Letter from My Past

DIETside 3

I don’t really believe the DIETside of the quote above, but it is how I have felt time after time in the past.  Before I started my weight loss journey yet again, I sat down and wrote a few things to myself.  I have read back over them multiple times in the past six years and it has really helped to keep me on track and reset my attitude when I wanted to quit.  Maybe some of it will resonate with you and help you to do the same, or maybe even help you to get started.  It’s not the easiest information to share about myself, but I think it is beneficial.  It is imperative to have a “why” that you really connect with and that is powerful enough to drive you forward when this feels too hard.

August 15, 2014

Today, my victory begins!

For over a decade, I have been resigned to just being fat. I had surrendered to it and I have felt like crap. In battling my mind, I have decided that the perceived emotional torment that comes from having to control my flesh and actually be mindful of what I eat is far preferred over the actual mental and physical torment that comes from being more than 100 pounds overweight.

When I was younger, the whole thing was just aesthetic, but at 42, I feel like it is life or death. I don’t want fat to kill me. I need to be here for a long time. My kids deserve a healthy, active mom. There are people that I am here to encourage and bless. God has a plan for me and I am ready to get on board with it and be excellent in all that I do.

I already know what my toughest battles will be and I know how I am going to handle them this time around. This is not my first trip around the mountain when it comes to weight loss. I have been a Lifetime Member of Weight Watchers since I was 24. I attended my first meeting at 8 years old, with my mom. A couple years later, at almost 11, I was at my first meeting as a member. I know what challenges I will face. I know my feelings and attitudes about all of this and I will not let them derail me this time.



I have a tendency to resent that I have to do so much to be at a normal weight. I have a brother who can eat twice the calories that I do and still only weigh a buck thirty, soaking wet, at 5’8”. I don’t resent him, but I sure do covet his metabolism. I know these feelings will arise and that stinking voice in my head will tell me, “you can’t do this forever”. I’ve got news for that voice…I can’t keep doing what I am doing now forever! I am in pain. I am too tired to do the tiniest thing. There are many days when I barely leave my bed. My liver is so fatty and congested that I feel a constant “fullness” in the upper right quadrant of my abdomen. I have heart palpitations at night and am constantly afraid that I have some catastrophic disease like cancer or atherosclerosis because of all of the fat. I have migraines and just feel useless much of the time. (Not worthless though. I like me. I just need to be me and fat is NOT me.)

When I begin to resent the fact that I can’t eat whatever I want, whenever I want in whatever quantities that I want, I am going to remind myself of how bad I feel right now. I am also going to point out to myself how selfish and petulant that attitude is! I can be such a baby about it. I am blessed with abundance yet complain that I can’t be gluttonous without consequence. I will not let my blessing be an enemy! I’m going to have a good, healthy relationship with food! Self discipline is a good thing. It is healthy and provides all kinds of benefits.


In the past I have struggled with becoming weary of well doing, so to speak. Let’s face it, there is more thought and preparation required to eat healthy and exercise than to eat mindlessly and sit on the couch. It gets tiring. It gets boring. It gets frustrating. Making good food choices, all day, every day, requires lots of mental and emotional energy. Sometimes you just want cake. That’s OK. There is nothing that you are giving up forever, so stop acting like it. Stop giving it so much power. It’s just cake. In your mind, you’re at war with cake. That’s stupid. Just enjoy a piece from time to time, then go right back to eating healthy. It’s all about moderation and balance.


I want to get the weight off as quickly as possible, so all of my effort is going toward maintaining a thin body, not trying to lose weight. The irony of this is that maintenance is what has always escaped me. The weight will come off if I stay the course. There is no reason to be in a hurry. I think a lot of the guilt and failure I have heaped on myself in the past stems from impatience. If I’m not losing every week, in my mind that equates to failure, but it’s not. The journey can be much more pleasant when you’re not in a hurry and when that stupid scale does not control your mood, attitude and determination. Just keep doing what you know to do and you will get the results. You’re doing this for life, so chill out about it!


At 24, I followed Weight Watchers and made my way to goal. I went from 257 to 148. I made Lifetime Member and thought I had my weight conquered. Just before I hit goal, I met my future husband and married him 4 months later. The combination of marital bliss and hormonal birth control left me out of control. I thought I didn’t need meetings. I thought I didn’t need to journal. I thought it would all just be fine, but it wasn’t. Within 6 months I had gained 70 pounds and felt helpless to stop the climb. I will not make that mistake again. I will not ever believe that I am helpless, even if that is how I feel. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! I will continue to attend meetings. I will look back to where I was successful. I will look to those weeks that I felt like I ate well. I will build on my successes, and perceived failures will fuel my determination, not overcome me. I will never be so confident as to believe that I could never go back, because I have done it time and time again. I can go back, but I won’t!


There will be days when I feel like I am starving. Sometimes that will mean that I should eat more healthy foods, because I am experiencing true PHYSICAL HUNGER. However, there will be many more days when PSYCHOLOGICAL HUNGER and/or EMOTIONAL HUNGER strike. Those are the days that I must recognize what is driving me to eat…and resist. It is OK and even healthy to splurge on a regular basis, but it needs to be planned, not in those moments when I want to use food to eat my emotions.


For anyone else on this weight loss journey, I am an encourager. The glass is half full, lemons become lemonade and obstacles become stepping stones. I offer a hug and become a personal cheerleader. However, when it comes to myself, I am MEAN. I beat myself up, break the glass, throw the lemons and hurl myself off of the mountain. Finally, in my very best James Earl Jones narration voice, I speak the soundtrack of diet doom in a constant loop in my head. STOP IT! Be nice to yourself. Be that unwavering, encouraging, awesome friend to yourself, because you can do it this time. You’re different now. You know yourself better.

To anyone reading this, if you’re already on the journey, stay the course.  If you’ve given up, begin again, even if you have failed a million times in the past.  If you’re stuck, consider this an outstretched hand to pull you out of the ditch.  WE CAN DO THIS!


You Might Have a DIETside if…


You carry one of these salad dressing bottles in your purse.

You’ve ever pulled out a scale at a restaurant to weigh your food.

You use one of these as a door stop in one or more rooms in your home.  (This is the kettlebell I use.)

You have one of these but don’t know how to use it.  However, you do know it’s more accurate at measuring body fat percentage than any other home method.

This controls whether you have a good or bad day.

You know that this, and every other product from Walden Farms, magically has zero calories!

You have ever threatened a family member with physical violence because they ate something off of your plate after you had carefully counted, measured and weighed every bite.

Your FitBit gets more attention than any person in your life.

You’ve considered buying any of these products, “just in case” they work.

Far too many of your meals come from the Ninja.

You own a set of these so that you are forced to savor your food.  At least you hope it will slow you down! (I admit it, I own this exact set and love them.)  They really are great for yogurt or that occasional scoop of ice cream or froyo!

You’ve ever used the term “food porn” and feel guilty watching the Food Network or Cooking Channel.  Unless it’s Hungry Girl

After a good week, when you’re down a pound or two, you celebrate by pigging out.

I’m sure there are a million more ridiculous things we do as we try to get healthy, lose weight and stay there.  Please share your own ideas in the comments.  You might have a DIETside if…

*All of the products on this page are Amazon affiliate links to those products, many of which I actually own and use. I will be compensated if you use these links to make a purchase. Maybe I’ll earn enough to buy the products I don’t already own! The FCC made me tell you this. You’re welcome.


The Shuttle Crib

When I was pregnant with my son, a lot of thought went into what kind of nursery he should have. People always expected creative and out of the box ideas from me, so there was pressure to live up to that.

My husband and I are huge sci-fi fans, so that theme seemed a logical choice, but if it was going to come from a store, the only options were Winnie the Pooh, Noah’s Ark and Airplanes. It was all so bland. Every crib looked the same too, just different color options.

One sleepless night, it hit me what had to be done. The theme would be Star Trek and one piece of furniture would be the bed, changing table, dresser, storage and laundry hamper.  The following pictures are the result of that brainstorm. Introducing…


The Shuttle Crib

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