Forget Resolutions, I Want a Revolution!

Christmas is over and it is that contemplative time when everyone makes grand plans for the new year. We resolve to make all kinds of positive changes in our lives, usually only to fail. At least that has been my experience. That’s why this year I am not making any resolutions, I am leading a revolution!

Now, I’m not against resolutions. I just think we need more. The dictionary defines a resolution as “a firm decision to do or not do something”. A revolution is, “a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.” If you’re overweight, you need a new system of governing your body! You don’t need to just change your mind, you need to change your life. I know that was true for me. I don’t always embrace my new system, but it’s what is necessary for life to be different.

There are many systems you can choose, but you want to select one that is healthy, both physically and mentally. Choose something that fits with your personality, lifestyle and tastes. Choose something that you can do each day without guilt, resentment and deprivation – most of the time! For me, that’s Weight Watchers. That’s not the only way, but it does work for a lot of people because it is so flexible. The important thing is to find what you can live with and start your revolution. Overthrow all of the attitudes, behaviors and circumstances that are holding you back. Set yourself free one day at a time.

We put far too much focus on each new year, instead of each new day. Each day is a literal revolution – it’s one revolution on the earth’s axis. Each day is a gift. We get to have a fresh start, every single morning. Don’t look at the whole year. Just determine what you can do today to achieve your goals.

When my mom fought breast cancer, she said she woke up every day and told God that she would do her part that day. She could do “today”, but that’s all she could handle. Looking ahead at the 20 weeks of chemo and multiple surgeries was too much to handle, but, by grace, each day was doable. And believe me, in times like that, you are more mindful and thankful for each day. A single day is powerful!

When I think of weight loss and management in the long term, I get depressed, anxious and resentful. If I look at today, I know I can do today. That’s a very Biblical principle, so it’s no surprise that it works!

The great thing about living one day at a time is that we don’t have to change everything, all at once. Do better, then do more. If you drink a six pack of soda per day, cut back to one. If you eat dessert after every meal, limit it to after one meal. Ease yourself into the changes and they are easier to make. You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be better. Before you know it, each little change has brought you miles from where you once were, with relatively little pain. You will still have your tantrum days; days that going back to old habits seems preferable, despite the consequences; and days when none of it seems worth it. Stay the course on those days. When you think you have failed, realize it was but one battle in your revolution. It is just one day, after all.

Find like minded people to join your revolution. A successful revolution requires support. Arm yourself with knowledge. Hone your cooking skills. If you find yourself down on the battle field, call for help. Even the mighty can fall. None of us can do this alone. We were designed to bring one another strength.

What do you want for yourself today, a resolution or a revolution? With a resolution, you change your mind, but a revolution changes everything! Won’t you join me in the revolution? Viva la revolution! Down with the DIETside!


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