Foods That are Always in My House

What my counter looks like after a trip to Sprout's
What my counter looks like after a trip to Sprout’s

One of the questions I often get asked is, “what products do you use?”  I try to eat a widely varied diet, but there are certain things that are absolute staples in my home.  Some are healthy and some are just low calorie and helpful, but maybe not the healthiest option.  Don’t judge me.  I’m doing what I can manage my way to health.  I don’t think we have to change everything at once or be perfect, we just need to continue to do better.  That being said, here are some of my favorite things:


I have yet to try all of their products, but am working my way through them.  I use their salad dressings on a regular basis.  They are, by no means, a replacement for a good dose of ranch dressing, but for zero calories, I have learned to really enjoy them.  My personal favorite is the Caesar, but my husband loves the Creamy Bacon.

I also have used their various ice cream syrups and toppings.  The caramel syrup is my favorite.  I use it in coffee, on baked apples, in smoothies and I whip it into fat free cream cheese to make a wonderful fruit dip.  There are also dips, but I did not care for them at all. Marshmallow just can’t exist without sugar.  I really tried to like their peanut spreads, but even my imagination is not that good!

Not everything they make hits the mark, but some of it is close enough to make them a worthwhile tool for weight loss.  I’ll keep this list updated as I try more of their products.


Caesar DressingCreamy Bacon

Walden Farms products are available online, but I recommend finding them in your local store.  I rarely pay more than $3.99 for their products.  Sprout’s often has them on sale and carries a wide variety.  If you are in Northeast Oklahoma, Reasor’s has the most complete selection of their products that I have found.


This wonderful little store gets it’s own section.  Their prices are great and they carry so many products that cater to those trying to be healthy.  They even have a huge range of gluten free products for those with that need.  Their produce is fresh and you’ll save a fortune over other stores.  They have seasonal items that are unique and wonderful.

What I buy here:

  • 100 calorie Greek yogurt – I’m never without Greek yogurt.  It is loaded with protein and can quench that sweet tooth.  Add a couple tablespoons of granola for a really satisfying snack.
  • 45 calorie light wheat bread – not just for sandwiches, make homemade croutons* and breadcrumbs*
  • fresh produce and bagged salad
  • Pizzelle wafer cookies*
  • Organic pasta sauce
  • Frozen fruit
  • Eggs
  • Stevia – I use this more natural sweetener in my coffee, tea and baking

There are so many good products, including organic, and you will save up to 30% off of your normal grocery bill.  The real bonus is how quickly you can shop here.  Just be sure to have a quarter for your shopping cart.  (You get it back when you return your cart.)


Sometimes there just isn’t time to make a proper meal, or you find yourself away from home longer than expected.  You’re hungry and want to avoid the drive thru.  Having protein bars handy is part of my emergency eating kit.  I keep them in my purse at all times.  I really enjoy most of the Atkin’s brand bars, but my favorite is this one from Pure Protein.

I like these because they have whey protein and no soy.  They have a good flavor and texture and pack 21 grams of protein per bar.  Walmart has the best in-store pricing that I have found.  Amazon’s price for a two-pack, shipped free, rivals the Walmart price and is so convenient.  I also really enjoy Kind bars.  I have yet to find one that I don’t like.  What’s great about them is that they come in sweet as well as savory.


If you use the Amazon shopping link above to purchase them, I will be compensated through the Amazon Affiliate program. 


This melty, tasty, processed cheese is not the healthiest choice, but it is a staple for me.  They make wonderful grilled cheese and top a homemade Egg McMuffin* perfectly.  They are only 1 PP on Weight Watchers!


Whether you purchase whole wheat, light or plain old white, they are all 3 PP on Weight Watchers.  I use them to make the homemade Egg McMuffins I mentioned above.  The light version is loaded with fiber and when combined with a protein packed egg, a Velveeta slice and the next product on my list, you have a tasty, filling breakfast that acts like a comfort food.  They are also great for making mini pizzas.


Great for a quick snack, on a tortilla pizza, or in your homemade Egg McMuffin.  Use it in an omelet or hash brown quiche*.   It’s just a versatile food to have handy at all times.  Sam’s Club carries an uncured version by Rose that is considered a Power Food on Weight Watchers and you can have 3 slices for just 1 PP.


These are always in my pantry.  They are great for obvious things like soft tacos, burritos and wraps, but also for making baked chips, pizza and even desserts*.  Some of my favorites are:




Oh the many uses of fat free cream cheese! Savory or sweet, it just makes things better.  There are so many things to do with this wonderful ingredient that it will be getting it’s own post on my recipes page.  I have tried the name brands, but actually prefer Great Value brand from Walmart.

This product can be used as a lighter substitute for peanut butter on a sandwich, but I use it in lots of other ways.  It goes in my oatmeal and smoothies.  I use it on popcorn as seasoning.  I mix it into fat free cream cheese to make fruit dip that is amazing on apples or even toast.  Add it to your Greek yogurt.  Use it in Asian dishes for that peanut taste without all of the fat and calories.  I’m still exploring the possibilities!

FAT FREE REDDI WIP There are days when this low cal treat keeps me sane.  At only 5 calories per tablespoon, I can add it to my fancy coffee drinks or smoothies without guilt.  I love a cup of coffee topped with this and the Walden Farms chocolate syrup.  It feels decadent, but keeps me on track.

(I have to make a confession here.  I just took a break from writing this post to grab a homemade, dark chocolate, chocolate chip, caramel brownie.  I have Bonus Points left and this is the last day of my diet week, so I planned to have a treat!  I will enjoy every single bite of the next 8 Points!  Please excuse me while I grab my tiny spoon and savor!)


You don’t have to buy special, light microwave popcorn and wonder what chemicals you are exposing yourself to.  You can have better, healthier and more flavorful popcorn out of you microwave with a regular old bag of popcorn, brown paper lunch sacks and various popcorn seasonings.  You have better control over portion size with this method as well.  Just put 3 tablespoons of popcorn in your lunch sack and pop for about 2 minutes, on high, in your microwave.  It might take you a couple tries to find the perfect timing with your microwave.  Spray it with a couple squirts of coconut oil spray or olive oil spray, then add salt, PB2 or whatever other seasoning you prefer.  Shake and enjoy!  Look for Kernel Season’s popcorn seasonings.  They have lots of flavors and so far, all of them I have tried are really good.

The popcorn seasonings are also great on steamed vegetables or oven roasted french fries.


I always have Light Mini Baby Bells, light string cheese and light Laughing Cow wedges on hand for various uses.  I try not to eat fruit unless I am paring it with a little protein to control insulin levels – the Mini Baby Bells are a great low Point option.  All of these cheese snacks are only 1 PP.

Once I get my recipe page started, I will post recipes that use these light cheeses.  I make Alfredo sauce and baked cheese sticks that are easy and satisfying.


I keep my house stocked with plenty of real foods so I can always stave off hunger in a healthy way.  WIth these on hand, I have endless recipe options too.

  • Chicken Breasts
  • Lean Ground Beef
  • Lean Ground Turkey
  • Frozen, Wild Caught Salmon
  • Eggs
  • Potatoes – Russest, sweet, yellow
  • Bell peppers
  • Onions
  • Minced garlic
  • Canned beans – black, refried, garbanzo, pinto, chili, kidney, white northern
  • Tomato sauce, tomato paste, diced tomatoes, crushed tomatoes, Rotel tomatoes and green chilies
  • Bullion/broth – canned, boxed and cubed
  • Frozen, microwaveable, steamable vegetables
  • Fresh fruit & frozen fruit
  • Oatmeal
  • Whole wheat pasta
  • Brown rice
  • Granola
  • Skim milk
  • Fat free cream cheese
  • Greek yogurt
  • Fat free sour ceam

That’s it for now, but I will continue to add products as I think of them and as I try new things.

*Watch for links to recipes as I add them to the site.



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