Sugar Free, Gluten Free, Low Carb, 1 Smart Point, Kim’s Miracle Chocolate Mug Cake

As shown, the cake is 2 points due to the whipped cream a a couple of sugar free chocolate chips.  They are definitely not needed to enjoy this cake though!

I enjoy chocolate cake more than Oprah loves bread! In the past, it has been a DIETside nemesis, but no more! Occasionally I will still indulge in a sugar laden slice of chocolate cake bliss, but as I have improved my sugar free baking skills, those indulgences are far fewer, and frankly, less satisfying.

As I have grown and changed in this weight loss and wellness journey, I have applied skills and food philosophies from many different sources to create my own Foodology, if you will. Part of that Foodology is limiting sugar to special occasions. I spent many years lamenting the fact that I felt like an addict, yet had to interact with my addiction. It turns out I was wrong. Sugar was the driving force behind my constant cravings and compulsions to eat. In a close second was every strong emotion. When the two were combined, it drove my weight to nearly 300 pounds.

I’m not sure which was a more monumental task – mostly eliminating sugar or managing my emotions with something other than food – but for the sake of this post, I will focus on the benefits of mostly eliminating sugar. Honestly, I shuddered at the thought of it and started the journey not really believing that I could ever do it, but it was the best thing I have done for my health and my peace of mind in this journey.

Since chocolate is one of the sugary things I most often craved, I needed to find sugar free, low carb and low point options. I do love Russell Stover sugar free chocolates, but they don’t scratch the itch for baked goods. That is why I developed my own recipe for a chocolate mug cake that is a startling 1 Smart Point, sugar free, low carb and gluten free! Yes, you read that correctly – just 1 Smart Point! I also have a sugar free chocolate sauce recipe that turns that cake into a chocolate lava cake – that is still just 1 Smart Point!  (If you add 2 tablespoons of sauce.)

If you are looking for ways to reduce sugar in your diet and still have amazing chocolate cake, this just might be the recipe that preserves your sanity!

There is one specialty ingredient in this recipe that I’m not sure is available in local stores. It is the Trim Healthy Mama Baking Blend. This product is amazing and I use it for many things. It is gluten free, low carb and low Point. I am including a link to where you can purchase it online. I am NOT an affiliate. I make no profit for referring you to this product. It’s just a really great baking blend and easier to purchase than make your own.

This recipe makes two cakes. I cook them in 1 cup ramekins, but mugs will work.

Now, for the recipe:

1 egg

¼ cup Trim Healthy Mama Baking Blend

5 tsp. Pyure

2 Tbsp. Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa Powder

¼ cup non-fat, plain, Greek yogurt

1 tsp vanilla

¼ tsp baking powder

1 tsp espresso powder (optional)

pinch of pink salt or sea salt

Optional: Mix in some sugar free chocolate chips like Lily’s or Bake Believe

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl. The batter will be thick, more like brownie batter. Spray two mugs or ramekins with non-stick cooking spray and divide the batter, evenly, between the two. Microwave on high for 2 ½-3 minutes. (Cooking time will vary based on the wattage of your microwave.)

I keep Pyure on my Amazon Subscribe & Save order. I use this stuff for all of my sugar free cooking, as well as in my coffee and tea. You can also purchase it locally at Walmart.

*This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase through those links, your price remains the same, but I will receive a small commission to support maintenance of this site.


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