Surviving Smart Points: Never Hungry

I know that I sound like a diet zealot, pushing the Weight Watchers Simply Filling method, but I don’t like to see people struggle to stay with an eating plan because they are physically hungry. We all have our cravings, weaknesses and flat out red light foods that we want psychologically, but I’m talking about physical hunger. Actual hunger, should not be an issue, even during weight loss. Being at a normal, healthy weight, does not mean we have to starve or feel tortured, we just have to eat the right kinds of foods in reasonable quantities.  (By reasonable, I don’t mean tiny, which is why I eat this way.)

Whether you are following SmartPoints or have chosen to stick with PointsPlus, I believe you will find it much easier to incorporate Simply Filling. You will not be hungry and you’ll still have Points for chocolate, ice cream, or whatever other sweet you crave.  Since you can change method daily, you get a tremendous amount of flexibility.

Today, I am going to continue with Simply Filling meal ideas, recipes and products.  Weight Watchers provides a list of food types that are Simply Filling, but it is helpful to know specific brands that will help you to eat Simply Filling. Breads and pastas are some of the biggest things people seem to miss or hesitate to spend Points on. Here are some options that are Simply Filling and low Point.

Sara Lee, Trader Joe’s, Aldi and other store brand light wheat bread

Sara Lee, Great Value and other store brand light hot dog buns

Sara Lee, Great Value and other store brand light hamburger buns

Thomas’ Light English Muffins

Oroweat & Aldi 100% whole wheat sandwich thins

Mission Brand, white corn tortillas

Ole Mexican Foods Xtreme Wellness! High fiber low carb tortilla wraps

Ole Mexican Foods Xtreme Wellness! Tomato basil tortilla wraps

Ole Mexican Foods Xtreme Wellness! Spinach & herbs tortilla wraps

La Tortilla 100 Calorie 100% Whole wheat tortilla

La Tortilla Smart & Delicious 100 Calorie traditional tortilla and all other Smart & Delicious options

Flatout Light Flatbread Wraps, Low Fat, Original

Flatout Foldit 5 grain flax artisan flatbread

Flatout Light Flatbread Wraps, Italian Herb

Flatout Healthy Grain Flatbread Wraps, Multi-Grain with Flax

Flatout Fold it Artisan rosemary and olive oil flatbread

Flatout Foldit Everything artisan flatbreads

Flatout Foldit Hungry girl 100% whole wheat with flax flatbread

Flatout Light Flatbread Wraps, Garden Spinach

Flatout Fold it Flatbread, Traditional White

Flatout Healthy Grain Flatbread Wraps, Honey Wheat

Any type of whole wheat pasta

For those who are die hard about not eating processed foods, these don’t fit that bill, but if you are just trying to do better and make the scale go in the right direction, these are great options to keep you sane. Having these products available makes somewhat “normal” eating possible.

You can have a hamburger, hot dog, burritos, breakfast burritos, flatbread pizzas and English muffin breakfast sandwiches. You can even make your own breadcrumbs to make Simply Filling meatballs, meatloaf, crab cakes and tuna cakes. You can also make croutons for your salads, or just a crunchy, tasty snack.



Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Cut light bread into crouton sized pieces. It takes three slices to make 1 cup of breadcrumbs. I usually put six on a cookie sheet.

Spray lightly with olive oil or cooking spray. I use the Misto so I can use my preferred extra virgin olive oil.

Sprinkle with garlic salt or whatever other flavor you would like. Popcorn seasonings are great for changing up the flavor.

Bake for 10-15 minutes, until the croutons are browned and crunchy. Crumble to make breadcrumbs.



1 pound lean ground Turkey, Beef or venison
1 Cup Simply Filling breadcrumbs
1 whole egg
1/3 Cup skim milk
2 tsp. Minced garlic
2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp. Salt
1/8 tsp. Black pepper
1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
1 8 oz can tomato sauce – divided in half
½ onion, diced
2 packets Stevia

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl, EXCEPT ½ of the tomato sauce, 1 tsp Dijon mustard and stevia packets. Combine those in a separate bowl to pour over the top of your meatloaf.

Once meat mixture is thoroughly combined, form into a loaf and place in bread pan. Cover with tomato sauce and Dijon mixture. Bake for 35-40 minutes, until center is no longer pink.

Serve with freshly mashed potatoes, which are also Simply Filling. Just cook your potatoes and mash with fat free sour cream, skim milk, salt and pepper. Or, pull out the popcorn seasonings to add butter flavor, sour cream and onion flavor, cheddar or cheddar and bacon.  You can also use fat free cream cheese or plain Greek yogurt instead of sour cream.  Make it even lighter by substituting cauliflower for potatoes.

Add some steamed veggies and you’ll have a huge plate of Simply Filling comfort food!



For meatballs, follow the meatloaf recipe above, but add 1 tsp, Italian seasoning. Top with the ½ cup tomato sauce, but leave out the Dijon and stevia. Form into balls instead of a loaf. Bake for 20-25 minutes.



1 28 oz. Can crushed tomatoes
1 10 oz. Can Rotel or other diced tomatoes and green chilies
1 8 oz can tomato sauce
2 tsp. Olive oil
½ medium onion, diced (I prefer sweet yellow onions.)
½ green bell pepper, diced
1 Tbsp minced garlic
1 Tbsp Italian seasoning
½ tsp salt
1/8 tsp black pepper
2 packets Stevia

Heat oil over medium heat, in a large saucepan. Saute peppers, onions and garlic until onions are clear. Add all other ingredients to the pan and bring to a boil at medium heat, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes.


To make meat sauce, prepare Simply Filling Turkey Sausage and add to sauce as it simmers.

If you really want to take this sauce to the next level, add 1, 8oz package of fat free cream cheese at about the 15 minute mark. (I prefer the Great Value brand at Walmart. It seems to melt and incorporate better than the other brands that I have tried.)

Or, add both the meat and cream cheese, and prepare to feel like you are doing something really bad! It’s so good. My 13 year old son gives it rave reviews.

Serve over your choice of whole wheat pasta, quinoa pasta or spaghetti squash. You can even load a toasted, light, hot dog bun with meatballs and cover with any version of the sauce for an incredible meatball sandwich!

This is the end result. I have to say, my preference is with meat and cream cheese.
This is the end result. I have to say, my preference is with meat and cream cheese.  I need to remember to use my white plates for future photos.  This photo does not do this justice!  Maybe that’s good though, it might make you hungry if it was better.

What are some of your favorite foods that you would like to see “Simply Fillified”? Let me know and I’ll see what I can do to convert your recipe or come up with one!  Here’s to feeding the DIETside well!


3 thoughts on “Surviving Smart Points: Never Hungry”

  1. Weight Watcher’s has been my go to weight loss plan for about 30 years. The Smart Points plan reminds me of the early years when i felt deprived of the foods i enjoyed. I, too ,am now following the Simply Filling method to not feel so deprived.

    1. Hazel, I too, go back a little over 30 years in my relationship with Weight Watchers. I have always found success when I stick with Weight Watchers. I’m glad to hear that others are finding solace in Simply Filling. I’m focusing on making Simply Filling amazing by trying new recipes and modifying old ones. I’m changing how I work in the “junk foods” that I love. Right now I am not feeling deprived at all, but give me a few weeks and I am sure I will be posting a rant! I’m actually carefully planning my next indulgence, which will be a large piece of my homemade chocolate cake that I froze from when I made it at Christmas. In the meantime, I’m eating quite well on things like English muffin sandwiches for breakfast, flat bread pizzas for lunch and pot roast and potatoes for dinner. I definitely don’t live on “rabbit food”! Thank you Simply Filling!

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