The Infamous Savor Spoon

One of my savor spoons with my homemade, sugar free, chocolate custard.

There are many weird and quirky things about me. For instance, I only wear red, black, white and gray, except on St. Patrick’s Day. I have crazy names and bizarre uses for common things. My couch has storage under every seat, so I have deemed it my “couch pantry”. I carry low carb, low calorie, low Point tortillas in my car, at all times, and they are now called “cartillas”. I lovingly refer to one of my dearest female friends as “Bob”, and the giant bean bag in my living room is the “jolly candy-like sack”!

People who are around me, for any period of time, eventually know these things about me. One thing that most everyone who knows me is privy to is my fondness for my “savor spoons”. I first started using these tiny spoons to get myself to slow down when eating any type of dessert. I have half a dozen of them at home and keep one in my purse to have on hand when on the go. I now use them for more than just the decadent foods. There could be a savor spoon in my hand at any meal, any time!

In the past year or so, I have attributed much symbolism to the spoons. As I have begun to put more focus on God, and less on food, I have become more mindful of how blessed I am. When it comes down to it, what has been my biggest battle in life – food and weight loss – is merely a need to manage my blessings. I have more than enough of whatever foods I want, whenever I want and I was complaining because I must moderate my intake. When the reality hit me that I was complaining about being so blessed, these spoons became a reminder to me to be thankful. They are an anchor for me.

Over the past couple of years, I have gifted them to a few special people in my life. I wish I could put one in the hand of every person who battles their weight and relationship with food. Alas, I do not have the means to purchase spoons for the masses, but I can share my thoughts and the meanings associated with that tiny spoon and provide you with the link to purchase one – or four -of your very own. They shall henceforth be called the “Spoon of Savoring”, or S.O.S., if you will, since they serve to remind me of my blessings and often help save me from myself! May you constantly be reminded of ALL that you have been given!


What anchors or lifelines do you have to keep you steady in your wellness journey? How could the simple act of being more thankful be a key to your long-term success?

May you keep your DIETside in check today!


One thought on “The Infamous Savor Spoon”

  1. Standing ovation, Exquisite and Delightful! I treasure my savor spoon and its benefactor with peculiar joy! Also, I will vouch for the fact you wear green on St. Patrick’s Day; and I declare to the masses that you look fabulous in the hue!

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