You Might Have a DIETside if…


You carry one of these salad dressing bottles in your purse.

You’ve ever pulled out a scale at a restaurant to weigh your food.

You use one of these as a door stop in one or more rooms in your home.  (This is the kettlebell I use.)

You have one of these but don’t know how to use it.  However, you do know it’s more accurate at measuring body fat percentage than any other home method.

This controls whether you have a good or bad day.

You know that this, and every other product from Walden Farms, magically has zero calories!

You have ever threatened a family member with physical violence because they ate something off of your plate after you had carefully counted, measured and weighed every bite.

Your FitBit gets more attention than any person in your life.

You’ve considered buying any of these products, “just in case” they work.

Far too many of your meals come from the Ninja.

You own a set of these so that you are forced to savor your food.  At least you hope it will slow you down! (I admit it, I own this exact set and love them.)  They really are great for yogurt or that occasional scoop of ice cream or froyo!

You’ve ever used the term “food porn” and feel guilty watching the Food Network or Cooking Channel.  Unless it’s Hungry Girl

After a good week, when you’re down a pound or two, you celebrate by pigging out.

I’m sure there are a million more ridiculous things we do as we try to get healthy, lose weight and stay there.  Please share your own ideas in the comments.  You might have a DIETside if…

*All of the products on this page are Amazon affiliate links to those products, many of which I actually own and use. I will be compensated if you use these links to make a purchase. Maybe I’ll earn enough to buy the products I don’t already own! The FCC made me tell you this. You’re welcome.


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